Business Process - Page 8

Whether you're struggling to find business processes that work or want to fine-tune the ones you have in place, read on for essential sales, content and management strategies.


This Revenue Hack Can Increase Your Small Business Earnings by up to 30%

In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, expanding revenue streams is a vital growth strategy. By diversifying income sources and offering innovative services, businesses can bolster profitability while enhancing their ability to adapt to market trends.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.


7 Common But Ineffective Business Strategies You Need to Be Aware of

Because strategy centers on making choices, every business has a strategy. Here are seven common but ineffective strategies — and how to make better choices.

Growing a Business

Big Businesses Take Forever to Pay Their Small Suppliers. These Founders Did Something About It: 'Nobody Had Seen Anything Like This'

When their first company failed because major retailers took so long to pay, Stacey Abrams and Lara Hodgson couldn't accept the status quo. So they built NowAccount, a novel solution that lets small businesses get paid right away. Turns out, big businesses love it too.

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Growing a Business

Reputation Management Starts Before Your First Bad Review — Here's How to Develop a Proactive Crisis Plan

Reputation management should not be an afterthought or a reactive measure. Use these tips to prepare for a crisis before it hits.

Business Plans

Outsource or DIY? 6 Signs It's Time for Virtual Assistance for Your Business

When you start feeling overwhelmed and can't focus on strategic work, it's time to outsource non-core tasks to virtual assistants.


4 Ways Brands Can Educate Their Customers and Win Hearts

Brands should consider adopting these fresh, interactive ways of reaching out to stand out in the digital crowd.

Starting a Business

How Giving Your Time and Resources to Others Can Unlock Opportunity and Wealth

On this episode of "The Jeff Fenster Show," Jeff and his guest Roland Frasier delve into building relationships, adding value, and seizing opportunities in business.


5 Strategies for Dealing with High Employee Turnover

High turnover can also lead to decreased morale among remaining staff, inconsistency in service quality and, ultimately, a negative impact on the bottom line.


The Miley Cyrus Approach To Marketing — Why It's a Radically Different Method For Achieving Brand Impact

In case you missed it, Miley Cyrus recently won her first Grammy. In her acceptance speech, she told a story that is a great learning lesson for business owners and marketers alike, especially those who find themselves burned out and exhausted in this current environment.


Women's History Month: 5 Powerful Women Who Paved the Way for Others

A rising number of prolific women continue to pave the way for others as these five women did in the legal field.

Growing a Business

How to Transition to Different Industry Sectors in Your Client Base

Most entrepreneurs start out with a limited customer base in mind, a particular slice of a specific market. But if and when you feel ready to expand your reach to a wider audience, should you? Can you? Here, a business owner in the midst of transition shares insights on sector expansion.

Starting a Business

4 Hard Truths You Must Accept to Become Successful

As you buckle up for entrepreneurship, remember – it's not just a journey but an epic adventure towards enduring achievement in the dynamic business world.

Growing a Business

Let's Bring Back the Human Element to Paying Bills — Here's 3 Ways to Nurture Vendor Relationships for Business Success

In a small business's accounts payable process, the human touch is essential. Building trust through personal interactions with vendors is key, guaranteeing a dependable supply chain and effective collaboration. How can businesses improve these connections? Here are three approaches for improvement.

Growing a Business

5 AI Hacks You Need to Know About in 2024

Despite its vast potential, the key to leveraging AI effectively lies in balancing automation with human oversight to avoid pitfalls and ensure that creativity and decision-making remain human-driven.